Friday, February 5, 2010

Incest Based Moviesmegavideo Who Else Thinks The Bible Is Based On Incest?

Who else thinks the bible is based on incest? - incest based moviesmegavideo

If you think the logical conclusion that since Adam and Eve were the only ones that need a lot of incest to have been populating the planet by 2 people, then it would be correct. But the reality is not so far away. The generally accepted theory is that all modern humans come from a (in thousands of small ~ few) people in southern Africa. No doubt there are a lot of inbreeding in our past.


Izzy F said...

Well, it is certainly a big part of it. The incest and misogyny seem to be the dominant theme constantly repeated again in the Old Testament and the New.

It is interesting that one of the most stories of the Old Testament, Lot in Sodom and Gomorrah, which features a vignette in which Lot offers his two virgin daughters to an angry mob, in exchange for not trying sodomized a pair of male visitors that they hardly know. In the same story, long after his wife turned to salt during the destruction of Gomorrah, Lot's daughters take turns him drunk and have sex with him.

Much remains one of the brightest examples of virtue today at Bible Believers letter.

Izzy F said...

Well, it is certainly a big part of it. The incest and misogyny seem to be the dominant theme constantly repeated again in the Old Testament and the New.

It is interesting that one of the most stories of the Old Testament, Lot in Sodom and Gomorrah, which features a vignette in which Lot offers his two virgin daughters to an angry mob, in exchange for not trying sodomized a pair of male visitors that they hardly know. In the same story, long after his wife turned to salt during the destruction of Gomorrah, Lot's daughters take turns him drunk and have sex with him.

Much remains one of the brightest examples of virtue today at Bible Believers letter.

im2stupi... said...

Yess, children of Adam and Eve had sex with, I think that is and some people are so damn late, and I believe in stupid tales

Emily said...

Raise your hand. I asked him questions ...

rikirail... said...

You need to read a little more, then you can understand.

rikirail... said...

You need to read a little more, then you can understand.

Inanimate Girl said...

Well, if everything you have on the planet, a sister, how can you be sure?

Jeff S (AM~Natural Selector) said...

to reconcile all the barbs their families.

Anonymous said...

The "base" of the sentence is ... strange ... Do you believe in the Bible believe that it is necessary (at least twice) ... but as far as ... be "based on" the ... uh, nobody believes.

Catholic Crusader said...

We know that your mind is in

Chippy v1.0.0.3b said...

While it is based on the origin and incest.

Welcome to Christianity!

Which is a major problem of polygamy, but look where you would sleep with your sister!

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